What is French Invaders, sacrebleu ?
French Invaders is a podcast and a co-op between Renaud Beauchard, and L’Eclaireur, a French independent media.
We at French Invaders shall not dare telling you, our American chums, what to do in your own country (please do leave others’ alone), with what condiment to eat your burger (Dijon is best), whether ordering sauerkraut with a hotdog is dignified (it is not), what are the 12 steps towards curing obesity effortlessly (there is none), and that French fries are freedom fries whether you like or not (because that’s the way it is).
Our goal is greater than that. Our purpose is far more holistic.
We, at French Invaders, are despaired by the European and French media coverage of the U.S. The same is true for the U.S. legacy media coverage of Europe. Hence, we have decided to invade their sphere of influence. So far, the U.S remains the most consequential nation in the world, both in terms of power and influence over the lives of many on our planet. So far, the European Union is not Europe , a geographic area spanning from the Atlantic to the Ural. Nor is the EU a sovereign state, but a mere intergovernmental organization.
Ain’t it madness to get the news a from a bunch of out-of-touch tourists and self-proclaimed experts? Don’t facts and reality matter more than status and byline? To make a long story short, most Europeans - including those who claim to know the United States of America - have little to no idea about how America is really like, who Americans are and what the “American dream”is really about. And that may also include us. Most Americans have likewise little clue about Europe beyond clichés.
So we decided, as we say in France, to put the church back at the center of the village. We decided to strive towards telling Europeans that the US is far more than Washington DC, Hollywood, the Silicon Valley, and Wall Street. We decided to bring forth “The America” that is ignored because it does not match the official rhetoric.
We are thus invading. Calm down. We come in peace. On a discovery.
Qu’est-ce que French Invaders ?
French Invaders est un podcast, une coproduction entre L’Eclaireur et Renaud Beauchard.
Nous n’avons pas la prétention de dire à nos amis américains quoi faire chez eux. En revanche, nous sommes aussi irrités que désespérés par la superficialité de la couverture des Etats-Unis que proposent les médias européens et français . Nous avons donc décidé d’envahir leur sphère parce que, qu’on le veuille ou non, les Etats-Unis restent le pays le plus puissant de la planète. Ce qui s’y déroule continue d’avoir une influence prégnante sur la vie d’une grande partie du monde.
N’est-ce pas déraisonner que de s’informer auprès des touristes hors-sols et experts autoproclamés que sont les correspondants des médias européens? La plupart n’ont pas la première idée de ce que sont les USA puisque se cantonnant à Washington -New York - Los Angeles - San Francisco et se contentant de reprendre le New York Times et le Washington Post.
Nous envahissons donc. Nous allons nous attacher à montrer cette Amérique ignorée parce qu’elle passe mal avec le discours officiel, alors qu’elle est majoritaire.
By the way, this is who French Invaders are.
A recovering lawyer, academic and international development consultant, Renaud Beauchard is a dual national who has lived in the United-States for twenty years. He lives with his wife and two sons in the Washington D.C. area. He has, among many other pieces, authored two books,” Christopher Lasch, Un populisme vertueux” and “L’assujettissement des nations”, as well as a report for the Identity and Democracy Foundation setting forth the legal hurdles that accelerates the destruction of nature. He runs two Substacks, Limits and Hope and Chroniques Egrégoriennes. He is the U.S. correspondent for the French webradio Tocsin.
A war zone bum for +/- 15 years, Pascal Clérotte then delved into competitive intelligence for a U.S. consulting firm. He has now converted to journalism and co-founded L’Eclaireur with publisher Patricia Cerinsek. He lives in the French Alps.
L’Eclaireur does regional investigations as well as attempts to cover the dead angles of international affairs.
Contact French Invaders
X: @FrenchInvaders
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FrenchInvaders911